We have awesome teachers who love to share Christ with our children. We use for curriculum, Faith Roots by Willie George.
Our children meet every Sunday morning following worship in the Sanctuary.
Our Youth meet once a month for fun, fellowship and for an time in God's Word. Our youth need not only activities but time in the Word to grow and mature. We are committed to helping build in each of them a foundation of the Word of God.
Every Tuesday morning Pastor Marsha holds a Bible Study at 10:00 A.M. It is a great time of fellowship and strengthening of each other.
On the 4th Saturday of each month the Ladies W.O.W. meet for a meeting with special speakers. 10:00 A.M..
Our men meet the 1st Saturday of each month at 8:00 A.M. for breakfast, for a time in the Word and a time of encouragement.
Iron sharpens iron and so men sharpen each other with words of encouragement.
We have a heart for missions, whether around the world or here at home. We have missionaries from around the world that we support each month.
We also have local missions support for The Caring Place and Bags of Grace for the homeless
What church can function without many hands? We have a phenomenal group of people who are servants at heart. If you are looking for a place to serve, Christ, we have it.
This is a chance in a classroom setting to dig into the Word of God and grow. Handouts are available for the teaching and discussion is encouraged! Our goal is to disciple people in the Word of God to a greater depth than you recieve in a church service. Come join us!